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20th Anniversary Chibi


Just gotten my 20th anniversary chibi recently about a week ago. This had been a HOT new over the social media as it was published as tamagotchi is back HOWEVER this is not the usual tamagotchi we used to play when we are young. If you want to relieve your tamagotchi childhood, i would propose you not to purchase this for the following reasons:

1. The size is smaller than regular tamagotchi size. Is the second smallest size of all tamagotchis. Is not so comfortable for your eye. (smallest is a Nano)

2. The Gameplay is nothing compared to a regular tamagotchi as there is NO game to be played here with your character and there is only 2 option, feed the character with food or snack or clear away the shit.

Therefore for newbie into tamagotchi or thinking of relieving your childhood then i will not recommend this to you. Surely this is a low maintenance pet with only option is to feed and clear away the shit. However for collector, is good to have. As for now i still had not figure out the differences between the 20th anniversary chibi and a normal chibi.

Graphic: 6/10(black and white not colored screen and screen is small, need to see more clearly under light)

Control: 8/10( super easy to navigate as there is only food menu and clearing away the mess that your character had created.)

Overall Game play : 5/10 (not much to look forward too, not much animation display by the character, low maintenance pet, not much interaction as there is no Game to play with)

Total 6 Design for this release. I seen better shell design for tamagotchi thus personally do not feel is stunning enough for me to own them all. But i love the clock face design the most as compared from the rest

This is size as compared to the normal tamagotchi P1. --------->

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