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Digimon v1 vs digimon 15th anniversary

Got my hands on the second wave of the digimon which i used to play when im a kid. To my disappointment,is so needy. 

Yes the growth period is so much faster than the v1(the one i had as a kid). It could even hatch 2 eggs meaning to say have 2 digimon in a machine at the same time. U do not need another machine to pair up and let ur digimon fight like how v1 operate. 15th anniversary do have inbuild character to versus your own digimon.

But i still prefer the v1,old version. Less needy, screen is clearer as is brighter i personally feel. Is hard to look at the screen at night for 15th anniversary digimon in my study room as compared to the old v1. U just need to feed it in the morning and leave it till after work for v1 and it still survive but not for 15th digimon. Death rate is so high for 15th digimon. And whats more v1 can use cheat code to get ur teddymon etc. I truly enjoy my v1.

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